Now, I am a different kind of person, I realize for some people it takes awhile for the to "get" me but when they do, i think they like me for the most part...then there are people who like me right off...i know i have this huge personality and i say the things people might think but wold never verbalize...but all-in-all, i think people like me..I'm fairly easy going, i love diversity, im not judgemental, I'm not click-ish or exclusive in any way, i see the gifts and talents people have and appreciate them for who they are...but the thing i pride myself on the most is I am considerate. Your laughter can be heard from here! I know some might say i am not so considerate of feelings all the time because i tell it like it is....but really i am..just because i am brutally honest most of the time, i do consider emotions and i try to be as considerate as i can muster....but what i am extremely considerate of is the little are a list of things that make me feel like people are not considerate...i may come back and revamp the list a few times, but this is all off the top of my head as i think about the hair in the tub....
These are petty, i know and i am trying not to sweat them...but i may be swimming in sweat with a few a time or ya go, my "Small Stuff" list...
1. Hair left in the tub (I am so sicked out by peoples hair that i dont feel so clean after the shower!)
2. Leaving the shower curtain open (the last thing i need is a reminder that it's time to clean the tub, or have someone stop by and when they use the toilet they see that its over due for the shower to be cleaned, besides, it just looks sloppy when its left open)
3. Leaving the toilet seat down at night (I cant tell you how many times ive peed all over the top of the lid in the middle of the night)
4. Eating with mouth open or smacking food (Seriously so annoying and sick, learn some manners)
5. Sock stash (My husband and kids (not Cam) literally stash their socks in corners, under chairs and sofas, under the bed etc...hello! it takes more effort to stash them that it does toss them in the laundry!)
6. Peanut butter on knife or spoon in sink (PB doesnt wash off easily and it cooks on in the dishwasher, cant you grab a napkin or rag and wipe off the utensil? then, please put the dirty rag in the laundry so i dont smear PB all over the counter when i grab it to wipe up something)
7. Greasy fingers/unwashed hands (use a napkin Larry!)
8. Water splashed in front of sink (I lean over to get to the faucet and becasue of my fat in the front, i soak up the water!)
9. Toothpaste splatter (really? ya cant make it into the sink and rinse it down? or ya just walk away w/o cleaning up after yourself? and how on earth does it get on the mirror?)
10. Two tsp of milk left in the jug (wow, thanks for leaving some for the next person, howgenerous! I'm so glad you put it back in the fridge so my eyes could deceive me and make me think we had milk!)
11. Pretending to listen. (I just had a 20 min one sided convo and you say, "What was that?)
arg, i'm tired...i'll finish up later...haha, isnt it inconsiderate of me to leave a blog post in the middle of writing....ha!
You, my friend, crack me up. Did you know that if the shower curtain is closed it allows it to dry properly and doesn't grow mildew? Another good reason that it should be closed when done. Just sayin..
ReplyDeleteand the little "spam proof word" i just had to type to post that was bedam. Just thought i'd share.