
15 Things I Learned the Hard Way

1. Food can make you fat
2. Never put a marble up your nose.
3. Don't get caught on the big screen at a Motley Crue concert partly exposed! (did i just write that? i have no idea what that means..i was just saying...)
4.I tried to do things MY way before I realized it has to be GODS way...doing things on my own can really make a mess!
5. Don't assume things about people by the way they look on the outside until you get to know the inside...you might miss out on how wonderful they really are.
6. Never pass up an opportunity to say I love you!
7. Names CAN hurt you!!!
8. The water really does turn blue if you pee in a public pool
9. Airplane blankets and pillows are not free to take
10. If you take your 83 yr. old grandmother to Hawaii make sure she knows a city bus pass is not a proper ID to get on a plane
11. If you are going 108 in a 25 "suggested speed" zone (yellow sign) It becomes the "actual speed"!!!
12. If you name your kid after Elvis he may hate you for it for life!
13. Don't leave a razor on the edge of the tub or your kid might shave off half her eyebrow!
14. When your big brother & Sister blind fold you & take you out into the cow pasture and tell you to sit down and you end up in a cow pie...the second and third and fourth time you will ALSO end up sitting in a cow pie!
15. God First, Spouse second, kids third, then all the rest....and things really do work out for the best!

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