
The Fight for ME!

I walked to the stop sign and back this morning. I think it's probably a mile maybe more...it felt so good to walk even though I hate it! The sun is out, birds are tweeting, flowers are blooming...I'm thanking God the ground hog is an easterner for sure! Spring is showing itself in the Pac NW!!!

As I was walking I realized that if I don't do this tomorrow and the next day and the next day...I'm going to just get more and more unhealthy, fatter and fatter and eventually die from complications of obesity! So it came to me- by walking I'm like a time machine....reversing the death clock and giving me my life back...if we all knew that we could reverse time just by walking...literally..everybody on this planet would be walking!!! So what's stopping me? ug! I have to walk! I cant let anything stop me!

How is it that in my life I fight hard for everything I believe in but I never fight for ME? Don't I believe in ME? yes..I do! So I have to fight for me! That's what my life is going to be...the fight for my life! The fight for ME!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Jessica! I'm with you on walking...its the best thing for everyone and everyone can do it! I happen to love it though so thats easy to say:) Love that you are blogging!!
