The New Winco opened today! Holy *bleep* ( I quit cussing) what a freaky deaky mad house! I wanted the $.99 Cheerio's though so despite what the guy parked next to me said all wide eyed...I went in...You cant have Cheerios w/o bananas, so my first stop was just that. In front of the bananas, lazily leaning against her cart was a 400# woman, what looked to be her likewise daughter and mother! I asked, "Could I please get some bananas?" She looked at me up and down as if to sy, "You aren't big enough to be in this club" (If you are reading this and you don't know me...I'm fat! which in my mind gives me an invisible license to talk about fat people.) I asked again, same response, So I asked, "Could you just toss me some then?" same response with an added comment under the breath and a snicker from her counterparts. So, I gingerly weaved my way through the maze made a big reach and snatched some bananas as she replied, "Geez, pushy!" "Well, then move your fat ass" I replied (OK< still a work in progress on the cussing)
Off I went through the menagerie of people walking as if they were in a museum. "MOVE PEOPLE! Its the same as the other 5 Wincos in the area!" I screamed out in my mind!
So, I went to check out and saw Janet, my Pastors wife...a bit of conviction for my attitude...
I got into a line and chatted with a fellow "Move your ass-er" got through the checkout line in record time and began the trek to the front doors. In front of me was a couple who decided they couldn't wait to get into their groceries so they were strolling and snacking and an old man who had that grumpy old man look...I tip-toed along until I saw break in the pack! I bolted! I think I was even woo-hooing out loud! The old man yells after me,"Geez! slow down! this aint no freeway! no passing lanes here!" I didn't look back, I was on a shopping cart raceway!!! I didn't even notice my rolls bouncing along, or feel the pain in my feet! I was in the lead! All the way to my car! All the way home....not to return until the newness of the NEW WinCo wears off!
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