I love diversity, I love Uzbekastanian food, i love the sunshine and time with my big boy, but not the people with their dogs! I did not enjoy that!
Personal Blog of Jessica Martin Peterson. Come read the thoughts and opinions of a thoughtful opinionated woman! If you are an easily offended person, some of these posts might not be for you! I'm bold and blunt- and a lot of times say the things normal people think but don't say out loud:>)
I went to Saturday Market with Cameron today. I ate some fired up Uzbekastanian food and Cameron ate homemade bread and sugar free jam. We sat in the park and Cam played his guitar, the sun finally decided to stay for a day and we were enjoying the atmosphere of downtown, which we both love. As I looked around though, I couldn't believe how many people were allowing their dogs to piss all over garbage cans and leave their piles of crap in the grass! I was looking for poop stations or signs, didn't see any...but really? c'mon people, you need to bring a pooper scooper or bag to remove your dogs crap from the area where people lounge in the grass, their kids play and roll around...be responsible or leave your dog home! Besides, dogs dont like to be hauled out into public! Get real, and not everyone is a dog person! I honestly cant stand it when people let their dogs come right up to me as if i was for sure a freaking dog lover...which i am not...then we walk past a guy wanting us to sign a petition to not allow illegals get their drivers license in the Sate of WA...ya, in the state where the legal limit is liability, i want a bunch of unlicensed, uninsured drivers on the street! I'll make sure i keep my full coverage! I said, "Sorry dude, the DMV isnt going to keep illegals out and from driving!"
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I relate on the dogs. miss you friend!