Finding out this 2-3 past years that both my parents had different biological fathers was like..."oh, sorry, but your dad is still your dad, he loved you and raised you" then the realization came that everything i thought i was wasn't what i thought! (nationality speaking) All my life I thought I was Norwegian on my maternal grandfathers side, my Grandpa Olson was a great ol' guy who was 100% Norwegian. He made good fish and good pasties and nasty lutefisk! He was a steeplechase and a war hero who loved to go fishing. My paternal grand-dad Jess is who I am named after. He died of a heart attack when I was 3. I dont remember him. He was mostly Flat Head Indian. I always loved my Native American heritage and proclaimed it proudly! So, this kinda through me through a loop! I mean, obviously I know who I am and my family is my family, but I really wanted to know what make-up I am! So, after thinking I was mostly Scottish, Irish, Dutch and Sweetish last year..we (my sis and I) did some research to find the Scottish line goes deeper than anything...we are probably 50% Scottish if not more! And, we discovered the great grandpa no one ever spoke of...well, he's Mexican, grand-dad Fernando! That was exciting to me! I have a real connection with that culture especially because our 3 adopted kids are Mexican:)
So, it's no longer pasties, it's forfar bridies! (same thing) I am excited to learn more about the other branches of Scottish ancestry. I think I should go out and get Cameron a kilt! After all, he's Irish and Scottish all the more being it's heavy on both sides!
So, i'll break out the scottish whisky (ya right) and make a scottish toast to you...
Alba gu brath! Go mbeannaĆ Dia duit A h-uile la sona, dhuibh 's gun la idir dona dhuibh!
Scottland Forever! May God bless you! May all your days be happy ones!
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