
marriage, divorce..thoughts...

Keep on keepin' on to all my married friends out there...lean on the Lord in all the hard times and celebrate the good times....to all my single friends, just know that marriage is a union between you, your lover and God...keep Him in there and things are a lot easier!

No marriage is easy, it takes work and dedication! and my advice is, if you love him/her enough to marry them, when things feel flat or tragedy strikes...hang on!..love them enough to ride it out! It's not always gonna feel like the beginning...peaks and valleys!!! but it gets better and better when you work together and conquer the problem!

10 years ago, I thought things were impossible to repair...I had an affair...and I can only say that candidly through the grace of God who has cleansed me and resorted me and taken away all shame...we rode the wave and look what the Lord has done!

Now, my head is not in la-la land, i do know that sometimes divorce is necessary! the Bible talks about divorce for unfaithfulness...that my friends, an I know some of you may disagree, but I feel it is clear that unfaithfulness is more than adultery! marital unfaithfulness is a word which can mean any form of sexual immorality. It can mean fornication, prostitution, adultery, etc. or in my opinion, not following these commands...

Love your wife as Christ loved the church. Give yourself up for your wife. [Ephesians 5:25]

Love your wife in the same way you love your body and yourself. [Ephesians 5:28-33]

Be considerate as you live with your wife. [I Peter 3:7]

Do not be harsh with your wife. [Colossians 3:19]

Honor your marriage; keep it pure by remaining true to your wife in every way [Heb 13:4]

Be "one flesh" with your wife in every way. [Matthew 19:5] (dont live separate lives)

and there are things the wife has to do too....the controversial verse....

Submit to one another

out of reverence for Christ.

Wives, submit to your husbands

as if to the Lord.

For a husband is "head" of the wife

as Christ is "head" of the church.

He is saviour of the "body."

Like the church submits to Christ,

wives should submit to their husbands,

in everything.

Husbands, love your wives

like Christ loved the church.

He gave himself for her

to make her holy,

cleansing her

by washing her

with water

and the word (Ephesians 5:21-26).

now, I know women get all jacked up over this verse..."Submit" to your husband doesn't sit well with a lot of chics...but really, its easy peasy compared to the mans part! Look what it says for him!!! In our society, men have been known to take that to a place the Lord had never intended..in a barbaric, controlling way...but if a man really read that scripture with the Lord's heart, he would see what a gentle hand he would have to have...now, that's just some men...not all...don't freak on me here! and there's a lot of ladies not trusting there husbands to be the head of the household out there...and that is wrong too...I'm just giving scripture of what God expects in a marriage...
In 1 Corinthians 7, it talks about all the rules of divorce...the people were getting divorces left and right in that time and a law had to be given to stop them!
I think we have to do whatever it takes to save our marriage but sometimes a marriage cant be saved...that's just it, and I know that the Lord knows and if a divorce is necessary...he knows it and doesn't want someone to stay where they are being abused! But if your differences are reconcilable...or if you feel like your "flame went out" ....DON'T DO IT! work it out!
Now i'm babbling and I'll probably go over this and think, "Jess, what the heck is that?" but this is whats on my mind...to deal...


  1. Thanks! I needed that reminder today, as my marriage has been put to the test in strange and terrifying ways the past months and day...put us on your prayer list!!!

  2. I was told the other day by my hubby that divorce is a sign of weakness in a person!! really a thought to think about!! and he went on to say, just think about it there was a time when you loved the one you are with or a time you got along so fall back on that and the commitment you made on your wedding day not to mention the commitment you made to God!! (and divorce is not wrong) but why not work just a tad bit more...It's all worth it in the end!! <3 Jemina
