
diets suck

Why is it so hard to stick to a plan that you know works for you and makes you healthy! uggg! the temptation of food is so overpowering it makes me mad and fall flat on my face! yes, there is a time when cheating is OK (in my book anyway, ask my son and he'll beg to differ) like a wedding...that was my evil diet deed this week..hello? can anyone say swedish meatballs with mashed potatoes? how can i say no to that? here's the deal though...if i had just had a little and enjoyed it, no problemo, right? but me...i had to have a pile...then another...then add more gravy...5-6 meatballs later...a pc of the best wedding cake ever...chocolate gnosh cake...holy moley! it was the best! i realized i had sabotaged anything i had done the whole week! and getting back on track is not easy!!! as i write this i sit here eating a cranberry chibata roll drizzled with honey..my fingers are sticking to the keys...i'll probably lick them.(.fingers and keys) it's like, i do good, i do good, i do good, and bam, out of nowhere i think I NEED whatever it is my eyes are fixated on and this voice inside my head says, "its only this once, this one little thing....you can start over after you eat it..." well..i may have to walk an extra mile or two to work off that chibata and after 12 laps, i doubt i'll do it...good grief!!!

(i'm not eating the meatballs and potatoes in the pic, i'm eating the best Mexican food in LA in that pic...that's another story!)

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya. I am trying to change my thinking about food. And it is so hard.
