

We're bringing home a furry feline companion for Frekkie today....I know he's just gonna be totally pissed off! Her name is Daisy, she's a tuxedo sweetie and has a great attitude! I think i'll keep her locked up at night so Frekkie doesn't eat her...he eats bunnies, so why not kittens! I love Frekkie, he brings me great joy and great sadness (when he eats bunnies) and it's time he finds out that he's not the boss of the house! After Ace died, Ricky asked if we could get a kitten and the next day the Nelson family's Mama Kitty had her babies....one white one (scary, for some reason white cats FREAK me out!) one orange tabby, (my favorite but it's a male and I dont want 2 male cats competing for territory and pissing all over my house!) and then there was Daisy a sweet black and white tuxedo.....so Melinda, being the friend she is, feeling sad for our loss, said we could have our pick:) so today...Frekkie...your life as you know it is OVER!!!!!

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