
President Bashing!

I am so sick of people bashing the President when what they should be doing is praying for him! OK< so I didn't vote for him, but bashing him and freaking out over it isn't going to change the fact that he is the President of the United States! I mean, you can go all Lee Harvey Oswald on him but Is it gonna get you anywhere besides the electric chair? If you don't like what's going on try doing what you can to help in your community! You can make a difference instead of whining about something completely out of your control! Just shut up about it! Especially when you are around me! Political views should be something you keep to yourself and those idiots around you who actually care!Just my opinion...don't read my blog if you are offended!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog and amen about political bashing!!! Good for you. I'd like to steel that blog and print it on mine. I'm with most all I read here. Keep up the good thots.
